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So. You want to represent yourself.


Be aware. There is no special treatment for pro se litigants. As a party representing her own interests, Martha Rothrock was not entitled to special treatment from the court once she fired her attorney and substituted herself as her own attorney. In re Marriage of Rothrock (2008) 159 Cal.App.4th 223.

The California Supreme Court has specifically held that an in propria persona litigant (self-represented party) is held to the same procedural rules as an attorney.

In other words, self-representation is not a ground for lenient treatment, so don't expect it. If you made a mistake, as no doubt you will if you choose to act as your own lawyer, don't tell the judge, "but your honor, I didn't know. I'm not an attorney". Except when a particular rule provides otherwise, the rules of civil procedure must apply equally to parties represented by counsel and those who forgo attorney representation.

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