Thinking of representing yourself? Don't!
It always amazes me how many people contact my office wondering whether they are divorced. You're probably thinking what I'm always...
5 Reasons to say "I do" to a prenup
With so many celebrity marriages ending in divorce, the need for a prenuptial agreement is growing in significance. Part financial...
Great news for pet owners.
New Family Code section in California effective as of January 1, 2019 allows the court to make orders regarding "custody" (aka ownership...
Can't agree on whether to get a prenup? Consider a sunset clause.
Couples disagree about money more than any other subject. The time to discuss your financial plans, philosophies, and economic life...
Marry him; not his debt.
Like it or not, a marriage is a contractual relationship. The prenuptial agreement provides the financial terms of that contract. In...
Beware the rampant use of social media
I recently had a custody trial during which almost 100% of the evidence introduced came from text messages and social media posts or...
What do I do if a custody evaluation has been ordered in my case?
If you or the other parent wish to relocate with your child(ren) and you are seeking a move-away order, or if you and the other parent...
Custody Orders for Newborns or nursing babies.
What effect does breast feeding have on custody decisions? There is no hard and fast rule. There is no law which states that if a baby...
What does "Fiduciary Duty" mean and what happens when it is breached?
Any transaction between a husband and wife arises in the context of a confidential relationship imposing a duty of the highest good faith...
So. You want to represent yourself.
Be aware. There is no special treatment for pro se litigants. As a party representing her own interests, Martha Rothrock was not...