We both filed for divorce. Whose case controls?
Who got served first? The lead case will be the one in which parties were served first; not the one that was filed first. If two actions...
Sharing legal custody when you disagree about whether to immunize your children
A client recently asked what she should do now that her ex and she share legal custody, but ex is against immunizations. Either parent...
Do I need a lawyer? Why can't I file for divorce on my own?
You can. But …. The advantage to hiring a lawyer is that divorce is not as easy as people seem to think. I often get cases from people...
An order that one party pay the other's attorney's fees may be tax deductible.
Designating attorney fee (or other types of) payments as spousal support triggers spousal support tax conseuqences – The fees are taxable...
Who claims the children as dependents on their tax return after divorce?
In the absence of any specific agreement, the primary custodial parent, (or the parent with greater than 50% custodial time with the...
Who needs a prenuptial agreement?
Prenuptial Agreements are not just about what happens in the event of a divorce, but instead can provide a financial plan for the...
There is more to divide than real property.
There’s more to divide than just real property: A Summary Checklist 1. Real Property b. Recreational Properties (Vacation Home,...
Social Media Clauses in Prenuptial Agreements - a new trend
More and more of us are living our lives online and as a result couples are adding what’s called a ‘social media clause’ to their...